Volunteer Spotlight: Kellan McCauley

Kellan McCauley went on his first trip to Honduras in 2019 and now is deeply involved in the H&H community! He serves as an H&H Board Member, the leader of our Finance Team, a Hope Circle Member, and is an all-around star volunteer! We are so thankful for his service and passion to serve Honduran communities alongside us. Thank you for all you do, Kellan!

How did you first hear about Humanity and Hope? 

In November of 2019, a friend told me about the organization via Instagram. They knew of my heart to want to help others, and it was around that same time that God had been pulling me into a new season. My birthday was also around the same time as the next trip, so I thought it would be a different way to celebrate. It was truly God pulling me into something new.

How was the 11-year anniversary? 

This was my second time to visit and it was amazing. I’ve been serving on the Finance team since I returned from my first trip in 2019, so getting to see things through a different lens with a focus on finances and operations was definitely fun. This is a strong organization with so many incredibly smart people involved, and I feel lucky to bear witness to it.

What was the most eye-opening thing you saw? 

On my first visit, something that drew me to the communities was their gratitude and outlook on life. For anyone who has been down there, you understand that it’s as close to true poverty as it gets. Yet there is so much joy and hope in their demeanor. They want to be involved the change that H&H is bringing to their own community. To see their constant positive outlook and perspective on life makes you grateful for what we do have here back home. In the U.S., we see people who have so much, and yet they get caught up in wanting and needing more, and we forget about the things that bring about true joy and happiness in our souls. It’s totally different and encouraging to see the Hondurans in their element and being grateful for everything they have. Their faith and the way they worship is so much more pure than anything I’ve seen here in the US. 

What was your favorite part? 

Growing my relationship with my student in La Cuchilla that I sponsor through H&H was my favorite part. I got to meet him for the first time on my trip celebrating the 11-year anniversary. I was able play soccer outside with him and just talk face to face about our lives and all the triumphs and struggles we were facing. We had talked online a number of times before, but it can be hard to break that emotional barrier virtually. I know that education is so vital for the students in our villages for them to have opportunities at a better future. To just be there with him, and see the smile on his face, knowing I was doing something to help give him a chance at a better tomorrow, was an experience I’ll never forget. And I can’t wait until I’m back and get to see him again, he’s a great kid.

Advice to someone thinking of going on a trip?

Just do it! There’s never going to be a perfect time, with all that life throws at us, there will always be an excuse to push it out or think “maybe next year.” But I truly believe that the Lord puts these opportunities in front of us for us to walk out. But we have to take the first step. There’s a lot of things that might make you rethink it or question if now is a good time, but you have to trust that you will be doing something great. And it’s truly a great time. You’ll get to meet amazing new people who also are trying to change the world and it’s so fun knowing you’re all there for a common goal… to help these people find a better tomorrow.

How has being a part of H&H changed your daily life? 

It’s honestly just become such an integral part of my life. Being on the Board, serving on the Finance Team… I’m constantly thinking of things that might help or new ideas to try and implement into our finances. In getting to know those who serve in leadership roles more, and in just getting to know so many other current and past volunteers, I feel like I have added a family. I have made so many new friendships, for which I’m so thankful. I think about the people in the communities all the time, and am constantly praying over them and their families. They are a daily reminder to love and serve thy neighbor.