sponsor a student’s education

Education builds hope and empowers students to break the cycle of generational poverty. 


In Honduras, education ends at 6th grade, unless you are able to pay to go to secondary school. We believe every child deserves a chance to learn, and that education is the bridge to a better future. You can help by sponsoring one of our students! Sponsors not only financially support students but have the opportunity to build a special relationship with the students through monthly calls and emails. To sponsor a student, the investment is $125/month. Partial sponsorships are also available upon request.

Our education sponsorships include transportation to and from class, supplies and uniform, snacks, and program costs. All of the students in our education program have the opportunity to attend the H&H learning centers that are equipped with computers, internet access, and full-time tutors.

Transportation Sponsorship


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Supplies & Uniform

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Program Costs

Are you interested in supporting education in another way? There are many other costs that come up throughout the year, so we have a general education fund to cover these! Just select the designation when you complete the donation form above.

For more information, please contact education@humanityandhopeunited.org!