Remolino — Humanity & Hope United


Remolino is located on a river in the Mico Quemado Mountains in Northern Honduras, one of the most serene places in the country. Although the village is full of natural beauty, when we entered Remolino in 2010, the people were isolated with no hope. There was no work for adults, no school opportunities past sixth grade, no access to clean water or healthcare, nor a place to gather as a community. 

Today, all of that has changed through our partnership with the people of Remolino. We work together side-by-side, creating opportunities for a beautiful and hopeful village. 


We have four projects located within six parcels of land, including: corn, plantain, two grass fields, and two pineapple fields. These projects employ 15 men, who work six days a week, weeding, fertilizing, protecting, and harvesting all the opportunity that has been created in the last five years. Some of the corn is used to feed our animals and the rest is sold to market. The plantains are continuously sold to market as they ripen. The grass is utilized to feed our animals. Our two pineapple fields have about 17,000 pineapple plants which are harvested about every nine months and must be replanted after three harvests.


Our chicken and cattle businesses are run by 10 women, who work hard caring for the animals. Every day they spend time cutting grass, and carrying loads of food to feed the livestock. They also make sure the animals and their living spaces are clean and maintained. These women are dedicated to helping the women of La Coroza grow, both individually and in their collective efforts. They have spent time training and helping the women of La Coroza learn the process of these businesses. It is inspiring to watch the cycle of giving and support unfold among the women of these two villages.