By Riley Fuller and Ben Higgins
There’s an old African proverb that says “When elephants fight, it’s the grass that suffers.” It is a beautifully descriptive metaphor showing that when two strong entities fight, it is the weak beneath them who suffer most. Collateral damage is an unwelcome reality.
We may not be able to change this reality, but we can control how we respond. We have more power to make a difference than we give ourselves credit for and it’s much easier to take action, make a difference, and create hope than it seems at the outset. When we do this together, it creates a hope that is much more contagious than any fear or virus.
Research and personal experience show that vulnerable populations are impacted first, and fair worst during a pandemic like COVID-19. Kids being fed at school lost two meals a day, food banks multiplied, and the number of people on the street needing help has skyrocketed. In some countries, people are starving because society is now so fragmented and disconnected that they cannot work or travel to the market -- and they have governments that cannot or will not protect them.
Photos by RP Imagery
The good news is we do not have to solve these intractable problems intellectually before we start becoming part of the solution.
The first step is getting started. We find it helpful to make a declaration every morning, out loud, that we will bring our best to this life today, and that the world will be different and better because of it. A hope declaration moves our heads and hearts in the right direction.
The next step is coming up with a plan. This sounds counterintuitive, but it works. Confronting fear creates a clear mind that is good for planning. There are three things we can do right now to build hope immediately: give, go, and buy.
Give: We can give both locally and globally. Support your local food bank or homeless shelter and an international aid organization at the same time. Look for small organizations that not only serve their mission but also build a powerful community for you to join in the work. The goal is to give in a way that makes hope contagious. Giving your money will not only help someone else but it will also help you if it brings you into a community of like-minded people who share the same concerns.
Humanity and Hope United is a remarkable example of this partnership. In the past few weeks, the generosity of this community has meant that some of the world’s most vulnerable people have remained employed and are receiving a quality education and healthcare. Hearing the stories of what your giving does will fill your heart.
Go: Practicing physical distancing doesn’t mean we have to feel isolated or alone, we can join together virtually. Go be a part of a virtual community via Zoom, FaceTime, or Instagram live. Being with people, even virtually, feels like ointment on a wound, and being with others who share your values and vision will bring out the best in you too.
Buy: Every time we spend a dollar, we are voting on what kind of world we want to live in. The bullseye is to buy products that fit your needs and also give back. If you can find a brand that gives back and also gives you community, that’s even better. Generous Coffee is an example of this participation as its product model fights injustice and builds a community that works together. If personal involvement seems daunting, then AmazonSmile is a great way to give back to organizations you love every single time you buy something.
In a world that can feel darker and more difficult every day, we must focus not only on the problems, but on the opportunities. Yes, the elephants are fighting. Yes, COVID-19 is horrible. While many people are first responders, essential personnel, or working to provide our basic services, others are contributing by physically distancing and remaining work restricted. We all have only this one time and opportunity to focus on what we want our COVID-19 legacy to be and what kind of impact we want to have on our world.
We encourage you to bring everything you’ve got today -- make it your masterpiece. No matter what is going on around you, you have the power to make this world better in small but important ways. Ask yourself what can you give, where can you go virtually to join others like you, and what can you buy that reflects what you believe about the world? When we can do this individually, we will be able to do it together. And when we can do this together, we will create a hope that is more alive, more powerful, and more contagious than any fear or virus the world can throw at us.