In honor of International Women’s Day we want to share the hearts of the courageous, powerful women who are connected to Humanity and Hope United from across our country and into Honduras. They inspire us every day with their steadfast love, willingness to sacrifice for their children, and motivation to push towards a better future for everyone around them. On our most recent trip down to Honduras, we visited homes in the village of La Cuchilla and were subsequently met with the question, "What do women want?" More than anything else, they want to work. They sat on benches, pulled up plastic chairs, looked us in the eyes and said:
“I want to provide for my children. I want them to have a better future and to believe they can grow up to be anything they set their hearts on. I don’t care what that is, as long as it makes them happy.”
These women are consciously choosing sacrifice. They will walk 60 minutes in the hot sun lugging clean water from a distant well if it means they can provide hope to their children. They inspires us. And so do the women who join us on trips and spend their time listening in order to understand. Together, these women form a powerhouse of love that's really hard to describe. But, let us try...
Let me tell you about a woman,
who listens and by doing so,
makes room.
She moves steadily, despite fear
and welcomes newcomers into her story
Her deepest wishes are rarely owned, but given. S
he wants to provide and encourage.
She wants to love.
Let me tell you about a woman, w
ho uses her vulnerability as an invitation t
o seek more, love deeper, a
nd communicate in truths.
She's generous in her transactions,
and gives a little bit of herself to everyone she meets.
Let me tell you about a woman, w
ho breaks down barriers simply by listening.
She's aware that her power lies in her breaking points, a
nd takes courage in spaces of uncertainty.
She is steadfast,
In every way imaginable.
She embraces her fellow women, a
s teachers and muses.
She revels in all the ways they are so much like her, a
nd leans into their differences.
She's your mother, your sister, your best friend.
She's the strength this world needs, a
nd the type of power we should be lifting up.
Let me tell you about a woman.
If you have something good to say about the women in your life, consider what makes them so great. Are they the givers in your life? Have they made sacrifices to help you get to where you are today? Consider entering into this cycle of empowerment by supporting job production for the women of La Cuchilla. There is no better way to honor a woman than to give her the space to keep going! Happy International Women's Day!
Written By: Kelly Segar
Photos by: Kayla Lynn Creative